Visual Redress Collection


Visual Redress Material


  • De Villiers, G., van Rooi, L., Biscombe, M., & Costandius, E. (to be published 2023) Visual Redress at Stellenbosch University: Staff Reactions to the Decolonisation of Campus Spaces. In K. Landman, K. Makakavhule, & E Nay (Eds.), Decolonization and the Built Environment: Process, product and pedagogy.
  • De Villiers, G., van Rooi, L., Biscombe, M., & Costandius, E. (2023). Changing the Visual Landscape: Reactions of Students and Staff to Visual Redress Projects at Stellenbosch University. International Journal of Critical Diversity Studies,
  • Costandius, E. & de Villiers, G. (Eds.) Visual Redress in Africa from Indigenous and New Materialist Perspectives. Routledge.
    Includes the chapters:
    Costandius, E. & de Villiers, G. Introduction: Originating, (re)creating and (re)futuring visual redress.
    De Villiers, G., van Rooi, L., & Costandius, E. Visual Redress at Stellenbosch University, South Africa.
  • De Villiers, G., Costandius, E, Brazier, K, & Perold-Bull, K. (2022). Towards Linguistic Inclusivity: An Exploration of the Wayfinding System at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Interdisciplinary Journal of Signage and Wayfinding. 6. 31-42.
  • Fataar, A. & Costandius, E.  (Eds.) (2021). Evoking Transformation: Visual Redress at Stellenbosch University (1st ed). African Sun Media.
  • Costandius, E., Brand, A., and de Villiers, G. (2020). Redress at a higher education institution: Art processes as embodied learning. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 8(SI): 92-110.
  • Van den Berg, A, Perold-Bull, K, Costandius, E, Alexander, N, Becker, D. (2020). An Expanded Understanding of Art as an Agent of Change in Higher Education, American Journal of Art and Design. 5(4):87-96. DOI: 10.11648/j.ajad.20200504.12
  • Clark, M. and Costandius, E. (2020). Redress at Higher Education Institutions in South Africa. De arte journal. Online. DOI: 10.1080/00043389.2020.1728874
  • Costandius, E. (2019). Fostering the conditions for creative concept development, Cogent Education, 6:1. DOI: 10.1080/2331186X.2019.1700737
  • Costandius, E & Alexander, N. (2019). Exploring shame and pedagogies of discomfort in critical citizenship education. Transformation in Higher Education. Vol 4(73):1-8. DOI:


  • Costandius, E., de Villiers, G. and van Rooi, L. 2023. “Forced removal histories and projects of Die Vlakte at Stellenbosch University, South Africa”. Presentation to be delivered at the AMPS Heritages Conference on Culture, History, Art and Design, Prague & online, 28-30 June 2023. 
  • Costandius, E., de Villiers, G. and van Rooi, L. 2023. “The Haunting Presence of the Marais Statue on the Rooiplein (Red Square) at Stellenbosch University”. Presentation to be delivered at the Eighteenth International Conference on the Arts in Society, Krakow, Poland & online,  5-7 July 2023.    
  • Costandius, E., Van Rooi, L. and de Villiers, G. 2022. “Visual Redress: an Approach to Transformation at Stellenbosch University”. Presentation delivered at the iJADE/NSEAD Conference (Belonging: Dialogues for culturally responsive art & design), online, November 2022.  
  • Costandius, E. 2022. “Hauntology in practice: The Jan Marais statue on the Rooiplein”. A Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences symposium on Stellenbosch and Space. 4 November 2022. 
  • Costandius, E. 2022. “Visual Redress at Stellenbosch University”. Race and Transformation Conference. Stellenbosch University co-hosted by Bath University, STIAS. 18 November 2022. 
  • Costandius, E, Van Rooi, L and de Villiers, G. 2022. “Learning with and from visual redress at Stellenbosch University”. Presentation delivered at the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) Conference, online, October 2022.  
  • Costandius, E. 2021. “Visual Redress at Stellenbosch University”. The Sixteenth International Conference on The Arts in Society. The University of Western Australia, School of Design, Perth, Australia, 16-18 June 2021. 
  • Costandius, E., Van Rooi, L. and de Villiers, G. 2021. “Visual Redress and Transformation at Stellenbosch University.” Presentation delivered at the Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of Southern Africa Conference, online, December 2021.  
  • Costandius, E. 2020. Inclusive learning spaces: Visual redress at Stellenbosch University.  HELTASA Conference, Central University of Technology, Free State, Bloemfontein Campus, 30 November – 03 December 2020.  
  • Costandius, E, 2020. Mind-body learning and transformation at Stellenbosch University. Eighteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities: Transcultural humanities in the global world. 1-3 July 2020. Venice, Italy (changed to virtual conference). 
  • Costandius, E, and Brand, A. 2019. Social justice matters: Learning differently through the arts. 12th Annual Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Lord Charles, Somerset West. 29-30 October. 
  • Costandius E. 2019. Visual Redress at Stellenbosch University. Fourteenth International Conference on The Arts in Society. Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. 19–21 June 2019. 
  • Costandius, E, de Castro Engler, R. Visual redress at Stellenbosch University. Recognition, Reparation, Reconciliation: The Light and Shadow of Historical Trauma conference, Stellenbosch. 5-8 December 2018.  
  • Conradie, S. Costandius, E. Sanan, S. de Villiers, G. and Alexander, N. 2018. Decolonising spaces: engaging with visual redress at Stellenbosch University. Troubling Legacies. South African Visual Arts Historians Conference, Stellenbosch. 4 – 6 July 2018.

Visual Redress Policy